For each of the elements and principles of design we were to take a picture that represented that element or principle. Here are 6 of my photos. Color I chose this picture of my yard for color because there are very vibrant colors in this photo. You can see the red fuel tanks, the green grass, the green feed wagon, and almost all the colors of the rainbow. Balace I chose this picture of the Washington Monument for balance because this picture has a sense of symmetry. If you were to fold this picture in half, cutting the Washington Monument in half, both sides would be almost the same. Contrast I chose this picture of a sunset to represent contrast because of the contrast of light and dark. The sky is lit up because the sun is setting, but the land and grass beneath it is dark. Repetition I chose this picture of a table runner because the lines and snowflakes follow a pattern. Space For space I chose this picture of my brother, nephew, and da...