For this project, I created a paper folding piece. We learned about the artist MC Escher as well as radial symmetry which is symmetry around an axis or a middle point. We were taught 4 different folds using small square pieces of paper. To create our project, we were given the big square sheet of paper as well as different colored small square sheets of paper. We had to fold the small square pieces of paper using at least three of four fold we were taught and glued them onto our large piece of paper. We needed to use at least four different colors with some sort of color pattern, I used blue and green. We also need to create our project so it had radial symmetry and balance.
An extension activity I would do with this project is creating paper boats out of paper. I would teach my students how to make their own boats by teaching them the different folds. Then I would incorporate science by asking students if they think their boat would sink or float in water. Students would make their preditions and then we would do the experiment to see if the boats would sink or float. After our experiment we would discuss as a class why the boats floated. This would be a great introducation into density for students, because I think students would have fun making their boats as well as seeing if their prediction was correct or not.
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