For this project we learned about the artist Henri Rousseau and two of his paintings that had hidden objects in them. We then discussed what different animals we would find if we went on a safari including lions, zebras, giraffes, hippos, elephants, and monkeys. Then we made our own ruby red safari glasses out of construction paper and red film. Then we learned two new techniques: upside down drawing and contour drawing. Then we learned that to make our drawing look hidden it is important to use cool colors and use warm colors over over the drawing to hide it. We finished our project by framing our artwork and writing three clues on a notecard about the safari animal we chose to draw. An extention activity for this project is having students go on a vitural African Safari. Students would watch this video and write a short journal about what they learned. Then I would have students choose one of the animals that was shown on the video, research it, and give a short 5 minute p...
For this project we worked with clay to create an inital clay tile. Before we started, we were taught vocabulary terms that are commonly associated with clay. We were taught how to work with clay because many of us have never worked with clay before. The first step is to work the clay to get the cracks and airbubbles out. Then we rolled the clay and cut it into a 5X5 square. After this was done we used the extra clay to make the rest of the symbols on our tiles. We needed to incorporate at least three different symbols on our tiles, at least one needed to be an additive and at least one needed to be a subtractive. An additive means that more clay was added to the tile, I added my initial (an A), a wavy line, and a straight line. A subtractive means that clay was taken out, I put dots along the straight line and my flower was drawn onto the tile. Then we were given the three primary colors as well as white paint to paint our tiles. I choose to mix colors and add some white to the blu...